The Methodo Chemicals® patented product that helps:

  1. Reducing viscosity in fermentation systems

  2. Removing superficial crusts

  3. Reducing self-consumption

  4. Removing build-ups from the bottom of the fermentation systems


METHO gas is a METHODO CHEMICALS patented product

The polyamines – electrically charged polymers – help increase the activity of hydrolytic enzymes, which occur naturally in the fermentation system, thereby promoting and catalysing the bond between the enzymes and their fibrous substrate.

This combined action makes the digested product more homogeneous and less viscous.

METHO gas:

  • INCREASES DIGESTIBILITY OF FIBRES of slow fermentation biomass, which would require long HRT.
  • ENHANCES METHANOGENIC REACTIONS, promoting methanogenic bacteria proliferation and metabolism and, as a result, their fermentation capacity:

> significantly reducing problems conveying digestate

> facilitating pumping and the separation of solids from liquids.